EXAMPLE: The snapshots of our trip to Kenya are (lying, laying) on top of the photo album. The sand is then pulled out to sea where it forms a sand bar. The waves, wind, tides and currents all play a part in the mechanism that is coastal erosion. [5]. Examples of the features that are evident: 14. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of how aeolian processes form coastal sand dunes. Human activities have had an impact on coastal environments almost as long as people have been using the coast. geographical context AO2 Concerns arising from the pollution of coastal and marine waters from land based sources are well established. Location 1 has most decrease/erosion and greatest range Rock jetties that separate beaches interrupt the natural transfer of sand by the tides and wind. The government is also considering the recommendations of a recent review led by former Fisheries Minister, Richard Benyon, which found that there is a case for higher protections in some marine areas, with a total ban on all human activity to allow wildlife to flourish. development and growth of settlements / growth of tourism encouraged by beautiful and dramatic coastal scenery / increased trade due to port access / development of fishing industry / increased recreation opportunities on beaches and in ports and harbours / economic development as a result of trade and commerce / improved transport links and any other valid suggestion. the relative importance of wind These processes could be sub aerial and/or marine, transport or depositional processes. -+ ability of such graphs to display the relative importance of the groups and be able to compare this at each return period. -Mouth, (a) (i) Use Figure 2 to analyse changes in wave height for the three mangrove forests. Beach erosion is widespread and causes significant problems for both the use of and protection by beaches. As an important wetland with international significance in biodiversity conservation, Poyang Lake is under severe pressure from increasing human activities, such as prescribed fire. The relationship between humans and their environment is a topic that engenders much debate. - vegetation can consolidate sand dunes, EDEXCEL geography coasts topic + exam style q, Evaluate the view that rates of coastal reces, ES2002 - Metamorphic Petrology and Processes, ES2003 - Ocean Circulation and Chemistry Week, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. Dog poo has a particular chemical that is bad for human skin so when youre playing in the water in Brighton beach, remember that your laziness could mean that youre swimming in the remainders of your dogs poo. There are two types of coastal management: Hard engineering - this involves building structures to protect the coast. [5], All have landslides as the highest % This has been a problem at Studland Bay in Dorset on the south coast of England. Coastal Engineering Research Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Davis RA (1989) Management of drumstick barrier islands. knowledge and understanding of other processes that are part of the development of the landform such as weathering, marine erosion and mass movement Relevant responses could include: the extent to which there has been a changing focus of coastal erosion as sediment is trapped by groynes . Geological Society, London, pp 293303, Davis RA, Hine AC, Bland MJ (1987) Midnight Pass, Florida: inlet instability due to man-related activities in Little Sarasota Bay. Variation in expense with location A lot of the seawalls and groins were buried in order to form the new beaches. The report also warns that in the coming decades, climate change and extreme weather has the potential to jeopardise sensitive marine habitats, demonstrating the importance of the UKs network of Marine Protected Areas. People introduce fish into the sea to fish. the importance of time scales in the continuing development of the landform The content may vary according to the landform but may include: Humans interact with the world around us every day, but some of our actions are more harmful than others. Groynes have been eroded away debris fan at foot of the cliff Allow 2 marks for development of the loss with comment on aspects such as magnitude, sections of society etc. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of coastal processes (and their associated landforms) and their impacts on human activity. allow you to add annotations of changes exactly where they happened and can provide a visual to help you remember what the site looks like, rather than reading from a description. This is more than half the world's population. ASCE, New York, pp 116, Davis RA Jr, Barnard PL (2000) How anthropogenic factors in the back-barrier area influence tidal inlet stability: examples from the Gulf Coast of Florida, U.S.A. Changes in Earth's climate have different effects in different areas of the world. Knowledge and understanding of conditions and process of deposition In: Pye K, Allen JRL (eds) Coastal and estuarine environments: sedimentology, geomorphology, and geoarchaeology. Overall, there are many ways whereby human activities have caused problems for a broad spectrum of coastal environments. AO2 content encompasses the application of knowledge and understanding to examine the role of erosional processes in the formation of landform(s). Lack of groundwater - some areas may be drier and so the sediment dries out and easier to erode by wind There are two types of coastal management: Hard engineering - this involves building structures to protect the coast. Research shows that underwater noise from construction, shipping and naval vessels significantly impacts the natural behaviour of cetaceans and many other marine species. Examination of the role changing over time Overstrand is the only site with mudflows Nets entangle many fishes and other creature around the coast of Australia especially the Gulf of Carpentaria. The relationship between humans and their environment is a topic that engenders much debate. Possible approaches may include: An assessment of changes over time -Allotments, The 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) includes a specific requirement for States (under Article 194) to put measures in place to deal with pollution of the marine environment including pollutants arising from land-based sources (Kidd et al. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the factors that contribute to high energy/erosional landforms, with the knowledge of the processes involved in their formation. Management of drumstick barrier islands. Human impacts along the coastal zone are numerous, widespread in kind, and typically detrimental to the environments . [3], global increase in temperatures in interglacial periods Virtually all Ocean habitats have been affected in some way via drilling or mining, dredging for aggregates for concrete and other building materials, destructive anchoring, removal of corals and land reclamation. Line graph In the 1970s, the government issued a project to replenish the beaches by replacing the sand that had been eroded away over time (Fox). Knowledge and understanding of how longshore drift contributes to the development of selected landform(s) Many of these are primarily the result of human actions and include ecosystem and landscape changes, sedimentation, pollution, over-abstraction and climate change.. Accept both routes. The finer-grained silts and clays derived from the erosion of shorelines are sorted and carried as far as the waters of wetlands or tidal flats, where benefits are derived from addition of the new material. Farmers have to maximise their income by using whatever land they can. The metals required in our laptops, phones and batteries can be found on the seafloor but what damage will we do? Now the coast has been fished out. Beaches Significant areas of gain are located from 0 to 4 km and reaches 3 m per year. (b) Explain why wind is important in the formation of coastal sand dunes. - large particles -Does it provide specific information about the related event, ie strength etc Candidates may refer to the fact that where successful management strategies are implemented, negative impacts are mitigated. Your answer should include: Swimming / Living / Sunbathing. As people migrate to the coast for residences, business, and recreation, they interact with the natural coastal environments. The environment on the other hand is inanimate and exists by means of . 2019, p. 247). Most candidates will identify the spit and address the processes responsible for its formation. Some environmental issues on the coast have got to do with the impact of humans and some dont. whether there has been improvement or reduction in the aesthetic character of the coast Erosional bays Ability to show change over time? content encompasses the application of knowledge and understanding to evaluate the relative importance of geology in the development of selected erosional landforms. How human activities impact on coastal ecosystem during rapid urbanization is one of the hot spots in the coastal management study. Sea level is rising at about 1 millimetre per year, which, under normal circumstances, habitats can adapt to, but the loss of inshore coral reefs and coastal mangrove forests adds to the potential damage . 774789. We can all be conservationists, and many people are doing their bit at home to protect the Ocean. In: Stauble DM (ed) Barrier Islands: process and management. Processes could be accessed via the formation of a landform such as rias, estuaries, beaches, cliff lines, salt marsh, sand dunes etc. Soft engineering - this involves working with nature by using natural materials or allowing nature to take back areas. When answering 8 mark questions data presentation go through: Data Presentation: sequestration is a nature-based solution to environmental problems caused by climate change and has a significant positive impact on the planet and human well-being. the changing role of wind within the dune system - blowouts, 20. The drift line is formed by the dead seaweed and other aquatic plants. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Getting these measures right is not easy and requires transformative, multidisciplinary research, with an aim to support sustainable and responsible ocean stewardship for the conservation of the environment and to ultimately improve lives. Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of identified landforms that are linked to this scale and their link to process There are even implications now as they add more sand. Candidates may make arguments to show the balance between positive and negative impacts between or within located areas e.g. An examination of the role of other factors such as geology Credit one mark for use of data to back up/illustrate each comparison, up to max. Once developed, communities make an effort to protect their beach homes and coastal businesses. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93806-6_175, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93806-6_175, eBook Packages: Earth and Environmental ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials Science. This provides the stability necessary for plant growth. There is a shift in voting patterns, with more voters choosing to vote for parties with the better green and blue credentials. There have been many disastrous chemical spills at sea and from industry on land, affecting animals immediately via ingestion, or long term, in changes to reproduction cycles and other biological processes. homelessness Sediment starvation caused by river and coastal management is one effect of human activities on the coast. Knowledge and understanding of the process of longshore drift However, we have also shown that these benefits are threatened by marine pollution, coastal development, climate change and exposure to extreme weather. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in How do humans use the coast. [15], AO1 Human activity can have varying impacts on coastal environments. Aeolian Transport is the first process of coastal dune formation and involves the movement and weathering of sand particles behind and along the shoreline. Knowledge and understanding of processes of coastal erosion (20) Assess the extent to which predicted climate change will present challenges for sustainable management of a local scale environment that you have studied. CERC, 1984. An assessment of other processes 9.4 Coastal landscapes and processes (The Earth's crust is modified by . debris protects base of cliff from erosion AO1.1 a.1 b c 3 Total 10 5 15 This question requires candidates to demonstrate their ability to develop a sustained line of reasoning which is coherent, relevant, substantiated and logically structured. Wave cut platforms . Overstrand/Mundesley have the widest variety of processes Springer, Dordrecht. e.g. [6], Candidates should show understanding of how the identified reasons can lead to more deposition occurring in one place than another. Assessment of the level of positive impacts with variations of economic input positive impacts on beaches and tourism generated by deployment of groynes leading to increased erosion and negative impacts further down the coastline. These activities may have direct or indirect effects on our changing coasts. People go there for work, tourism and to live in. Por qu piensas que secuestran a Belisa? (a) (ii) Suggest how wave type could explain the overall change from 1945-2014. Changes of boundaries, ie choropleth. isostatic recovery takes place (slowly/over a long period of time) Whitmore Stairs Low energy characteristics: Various structures such as seawalls, groins, and breakwaters have been constructed to help protect beaches from erosion. Shows any visual changes over time of the environment This has been successful in reducing the amount of sand that is drawn out to sea. Usefulness: It is found that the activities occurring on . Coral reefs National Research Council, 1995. You can change your cookie settings at any time. The first reason why the beaches are eroding is because of rock jetties. St. Donat's Bay AO1 Various locations across the UK have tourist areas next to industries. lying. J Coast Res 14:407417, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, TX, USA, You can also search for this author in Coastal sediments 77. Assess the relative importance of longshore drift in the formation of one or more landforms of coastal deposition. examination of how human intervention e.g. - orientation of coast magnitude of process increases with time - waves operate over minutes whilst flood cycles operate over years People use the coast for a variety of needs: Although we love the coastline we have had a major effect on it. The geological structure incorporates bedding planes, dip, folding and faulting and can add distinctive features to these landforms. Shows distribution clearly? Examine the relative importance of geology in the development of one or more landforms of coastal erosion. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Knowledge and understanding of other processes such as wind, fluvial, estuarine, erosional process, human influence etc. Weybourne only has landslides As part of our ongoing positive impact activities, this brings our total trees planted [15]. e.g. (b) Outline one positive impact of coastal processes on human activity. Discussion of the implementation and success of management strategies to mitigate the impact of negative human activity, 13. able to erode more effectively, 19. The content will depend upon the impact chosen and may include: Protection of cliffs by a variety of management strategies - groynes, sea walls etc. the accumulation of sediment to form beaches may attract tourists and lead to the development of a tourist industry It is important to recognize to what extent various disturbances affect wetlands when assessing disturbance and impact, and when considering wetland protection options (Clearwater et al., 1998). [6]. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. When answering 8 mark questions on usefulness and limitations need go through: Limitations: ), Coastal and Estuarine Environments: Sedimentology, Geomorphology, and Geoarchaeology. The following discussion will consider some of the more obvious and problematic human impacts. An examination of the scale of the role of erosional processes Landform/s will be clearly identified and must be erosional. Find out ways you can #thinkocean. the development of dramatic scenery by erosional processes may attract tourists and lead to the development of a tourist industry What also flows in the drains is dog poo. The beaches and dunes have very different characteristics. (b) Suggest two reasons why the rate of deposition varies along a coastline. Dams built for flood control and water catchment along the rivers leading to these coasts inhibit the transport of large grained . These are hydraulic action, abrasion and corrosion, attrition and solution. Knowledge and understanding of the processes operating over a time scale of seconds - mass movement, storm events, wave motion, tides and currents AO2 These different zones correspond to mapped variations in the geology at Fire Island. 16 (a) (i) Use Figure 1 to describe variations in the processes of coastal retreat for different places in North Norfolk. global decrease in temperature in glacial periods There graph shows distinct zones that could be used to identify patterns. AO2 Variation of expense with what is damaged An examination of human impacts that increase or decrease erosional processes Presence of soft rocks - some places may consist of rocks that are made from less resistant minerals or bound together with soft cements Both approaches seen above are acceptable. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Beach Nourishment and Protection. Many time a maritime forests will form on secondary dunes. An examination of changes over geographical space in the formation of the chosen coastal landform/s. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the processes of coastal transport and one landform of coastal deposition. (a) (ii) Explain why changes in sea level take place over millennia. This can be dangerous for kids and adults alike who are not careful when in the water, The erosion of shorelines is a natural process that can have beneficial or adverse impacts on the creation and maintenance of habitats. (b) Examine the role of marine erosional processes in the formation of one or more landforms of coastal erosion. The work was completed between 9 April 2019 and 23 August 2019. Herein, bacterial communities and soil carbon content in coastal wetland native areas . Despite the negativity surrounding the current state of our Ocean, the good news is that its not too late to turn things around. [2], linear clefts in a cliff / narrow inlet, 4. An examination of the role of marine processes in the formation of a suite of landforms. The extent to which associated factors such as mass movement, marine erosional processes, geological factors etc. A new issue facing the Ocean is that of deep sea mining. PubMedGoogle Scholar, Department of Geology, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, USA, Davis, R.A. (2005). Replacement of track most expensive [6], lithological factors in the specification are mineral composition, hardness and solubility. Our applications were (lying, laying) in front of the file. Since the industrial revolution, humans have increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to levels that have caused Ocean acidification and Ocean warming, amongst other climate related negative effects. Sheringham has highest wind erosion [10]. The pattern of loss and gain over space should be identified with confident use of x and y axis data. Professor Lora Fleming, Director of the Exeter University European Centre for Environment and Human Health, said: This project has shown that our coast helps to cater for a variety of human needs, from keeping healthy, to connecting with others. the extent to which the strategy has modified erosion or deposition issues Reading exact data figures, easy? Identification of landforms with little description may get into Band 2, 11 (b) Examine the role of sub aerial processes in the formation of one or more landforms of coastal erosion. Climate change. [5]. Knowledge and understanding of relevant case study material. how the strategy modifies process Recognition that other processes can also play a part in the formation of the identified landform e.g. AO2 Candidates should address the importance of wind and/or consider interrelationships between wind and other factors identified. The content may vary according to the landscape but may include: 3. Landforms include headlands, cliffs and wave-cut platforms. reference to conditions of formation - depth, light, currents There are still trout but there are very few, from what there used to be. [8], AO1 Shore Protection Manual, Volume 1. Plastic microbeads in beauty products have been banned, ensuring tiny pieces of plastic cant enter the Ocean food chain. The fact that the business world and the preservation world are on the same page is a good indicator that maintaining beaches are important for both people and animals. Floods Cause Sedimentation and Erosion Floodwater can also alter the landscape, for instance, by eroding riverbanks and causing them to collapse. - leading to decrease in overall erosion (1) (b) Examine the role of marine processes in the formation of one or more landforms of coastal erosion. knowledge and understanding of the strategy to demonstrate how the management strategy modifies coastal processes cluster in North Wales This present study is focusing on the understanding of morphological dynamics on coastal region, long-term sediment transport, turbidity distribution pattern, impact of sediment transported pollutants etc. Special publications, vol 175. There are four main processes of erosion along the coast. the importance of factors such as wave characteristics (such as fetch, wave type and wave orientation) In this study, a fire-prone plant community (Triarrhena lutarioriparia L. Liou) was selected in Poyang lake, and a 5-year study on annual prescribed fire and corresponding monitoring were conducted in this . They are a vital part of maintaining our beaches as they absorb the impact. Knowledge and understanding of coastal processes that lead to both positive and negative impacts on human activity. (2019) suggests that climate change is currently by far the most important stressor for ocean and coastal ecosystems.In this study the cumulative impact of 14 stressors related to human activities (including climate change, fishing, land-based pressures, and other commercial activities) on 21 different marine ecosystems globally was estimated for each . Accept any valid coastal processes but more than one is needed for Band 3. Coastal zone 89. Responses can address one or more of these factors, 3. fixation of dunes In many areas, factory fishing has destroyed local fish stocks, leaving too few adults to breed for the future. used to manage the impacts of human activity on coastal landscape systems. Answers may conclude that longshore drift has a major part or variable influence on the development of selected landform(s). 271 million recreational visits are made to the coast each year. knowledge and understanding of how lithological factors influence the development of the selected landform(s) - this may include reference to mineral composition, solubility and hardness Distances between collection points? Content may vary according to landform(s) selected but may include: Assessment of varying perceptions of positive impacts by different stakeholders, 17 (a) (i) Use Figure 2 in the Resource Folder to identify characteristics of both high and low energy coastal environments. Arrowed explanations will assist the candidate to reach Band 3. Check out Adapt the A-level & GCSE revision timetable app. Some places will warm much more than others, some regions will receive more rainfall, while others are exposed to more frequent droughts. The gradual slope of the beaches before erosion and the replenishment of sand is no longer. larger waves have more power The increase in the use of fertilisers for agriculture and warming ocean waters has contributed to eutrophication of the Ocean in certain areas of the world. AO2 content encompasses the application of knowledge and understanding to examine the role of longshore drift in the formation of one landform of coastal deposition. An examination of changes over time (a) Use Figure 1 in the Resource Folder to identify and locate two landforms on the section of high energy coast from Linney Head (883957) to St Govan's Head (975927). Indicative content Examination of the relative role of longshore drift So the beach bums and the sea life may continue to enjoy one of the most beloved landscape for generations to, A big problem in Cape Cod is beach erosion. e.g. [3], Presence of unconsolidated sand - some places may have more sand dunes which are more prone to wind erosion 15. Loss of farm land in the southern section of the photograph Have students watch three videos about human activities that threaten the world ocean. This may include: (a) (ii) Suggest one way in which the landform at 900710 (Traeth Mawr) is linked to other landforms as part of the coastal system. The sandy beach is the junction of land and ocean. People love living near the beach. the extent to which there has been an improvement of the coast as an amenity 4. The growth of the Meat Free Monday movement is great for our Ocean. Erosion of wave cut platforms provide inputs into beach Physical increase in unemployment due to businesses being closed, 7. Reading: Human Modifications of Coastal Processes. Material from beach can be used to erode cliffs/WCP Ocean Conservation Trust Registered Charity Number: 1032491, Plastic microbeads in beauty products have been banned. The extent to which there is a balance between negative / positive impacts of human activity on coastal environments. Where areas suffer from high levels of erosion different protections strategies are implemented to protect the coastline. Having said this, physical factors also have significant impacts across coastal landscapes. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93806-6_175, Shipping restrictions may apply, check to see if you are impacted, Reference Module Physical and Materials Science, Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Human This means that natural wildlife or landscapes are being cut down to be used for humans. [5], High energy characteristics: [6], Possible approaches may include: The plot shows rates of shoreline erosion (red) and deposition (yellow) over 79 years at Fire Island. The content may vary according to the landform but may include an examination of: 18. Other landforms may be included from 1.1.7 such as dunes, salt marshes and tidal flats. Encompasses knowledge and understanding of how aeolian processes form coastal sand dunes make an effort positive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapes protect coastline! Were ( lying, laying ) on top of the beaches before erosion and the positive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapes... Human influence etc may conclude that longshore drift in the formation of the scale of the more and! Found that the activities occurring on over time chosen coastal positive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapes was completed 9... 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