and is that irreversible if so? Its probably time to involve an attorney. Filing a report isnt likely to help you in this situation. I can understand your not wanting to risk the insurance companys raising your premiums for what sounds like a very minor incident. I got in a motorcycle accident in early Oct 2021 I was in extreme pain so someone took me to the hospital before police or medical help arrival. Or, if it is meant for you but the accident never happened, they can handle that scenario as well. If you dont know the insurance company, you have a couple of options: (1) Contact the California DMV and provide them with the information you have. Now 6 months later the pick up truck drivers insurance is claiming that we are liable for the damage done to his vehicle. The tow driver told us no way he ever applied his breaks. It was a great move to make sure you got the license plate information. All lawyers and police use excuses, and I am bleeding under my feet from this. NOW GET THIS, the police had him to bring his truck in for inspection. Police said the woman has told them that she was not injured in the accident. Best of luck! I gave her my information, but she did not give me hers. In this case, you would either file an insurance claim with the insurance company for the supermarket, or sue the supermarket. In the meantime, you can simply wait to hear from your insurance company, or you can contact your insurance company and let them know what happened. I had a destroyed rim and a lot of car damage. The light changed and I started to go. 1 Either way, you are better off letting the police decide whether they should come to the scene of the crash. I dont want to be sued if the insurance does not pay out. We parked to the side, waited for the driver to come out, i apologized and asked if she was okay. In these situations, its not uncommon for you to file an insurance claim with your insurer (so you can fix the vehicle) and let your insurance company go after the at-fault party for the damages. I backed into a car at a friends house had been there for awhile some 16 year old parked behind me I came out in a hurry and backed into him I gave him my insurance card come to find out he had stole his grandmother s car went home and lied said I was drunk and came to there house and hit there car took me 2 weeks to get number for owner of car since then I have given the owner 200 cash and paid to have car fixed like it was they showed up to shop to have fixed and started acting a fool and was saying I caused more damage then I did would not leave car to get fixed said they would take 2500 do I have a chance to win claim. In most cases, nothing will come of it, especially if there were no reported injuries. She had to be injured as she took off the back of my mirror on the passenger side. Hi, I scraped a car in the parking lot with my car 5 days ago. Its probably a good idea for you to contact a lawyer who handles traffic-related offenses. You can learn more about dealing with your insurance company in this article. I immediately questioned you called my phone?, what number did you call? He stated my correct number. Be prepared that they might not many policies have strict time limits for when you need to report a claim and if its past that time, they might not cover it. 3. Its 8:30 am the following day and Ive heard nothing from him I have good insurance, but if I called them Id be only giving a first name, and I have zero documentation of the needed repairs to his vehicle. They got out, talked to me and took my information to give to the other driver. Hello They say I have to wait to see what the outcome of his court hearing is, but he has missed 3 court dates already. This is important because Uncle George suffered severe kneecap injury that caused him to lose his as an instructor at the local dance studio. He told me if I tried to file a claim all he would do is lie and say I hit him. I hit a Ford with my Jeep Cherokee at probably 2mph after he slammed on the brakes. It sounds as though theres a lot of good evidence between the several witnesses and camera footage. Thank you for reaching out. Please I need insights as to what will become my fate, I am an international student with no driving license, I was preparing to take my learners permit test but i decided to practice with my friends car in a parking lot a day before my test. Why a Police Report May Wrongly Find You at Fault For Causing A Car Accident. Thanks for sharing, YwnMelly. I wasnt sure if the damage was gonna be huge because it just seemed like thered be a couple of scratches. How bad will this affect my driving record? We didnt exchange information but she did take a picture of my license plate. A suspension. All elements of this website are copyrighted materials for Teddy, Meekins & Talbert. In the header it has the title Citation TRC 99 and 106. You can propose a counteroffer or hire an attorney to fight for a better offer. They told me they wouldnt file a report unless the woman called. So when he left my roommate and I went to the local police station and talked to an officer. She may have gotten my license plate number. Minimal damage to his car and none to mine. Also, I am required to pay $2600 for the car damage. I DID NOT have insurance at the time. Thanks. The guy in front of me backed into me. Generally, the owner/police wouldnt wait so long and you would be contacted within a couple of weeks. But its not imperative! What should we do? We cannot let this happen. And the other drivers insurance was not shared either. Hi Joann that sounds like it could be tricky indeed! That said, all parties involved in an accident are still required to stop their vehicles and exchange information. My bro has not seen the Quote from the auto body shop. Initial consultations are generally free, so youll be able to find out whether the attorney is willing to take on your case without any cost to you. Im sorry to hear that youve had this experience. The other driver seemed to be OK and he told me so. She said the hood flew off his car and he just kept driving, She also said the hood was found a quarter mile away. But, theres a chance (particularly if the Honda was speeding) that the other driver was at fault, or at least partially at fault. I was on Vacation and left my car with my mother to have while watching my dog in case of an emergency. They might have just been taking photos and bothering you because they were annoyed, but that doesnt mean they have any legal course of action. Can she sue him? Tyre Nichols . He did not come in contact with me, however in a blink of an eye I couldve been history. I want to know if I can sue them or get them to fix or help fix my car? The police were on the scene. The challenge will be identifying the responsible officer. apparently all they got was a tag number. However, it CAN be used against you if you appeared in front of a judge with respect to the ticket. So, if you were not married at the time of the accident, your name isnt on the title or registration of the vehicle, and you were not on your now-husbands insurance at the time, it seems like there would be no way for you to be named in this lawsuit. Thank you very much. I want her to pay for my car and my medical bills, plus now having to fight a DUI which I wasnt even intoxicated. From his actions with the police and admitting that he offered me money and that he passed his turn ( which is the reason he backed up), the police found him liable and gave him the citation. The best thing you could do is probably to look for a lawyer who can review the evidence from the accident 2 years ago, plus whatever documents you received recently in your own name. If youre in a no-fault state then the other driver will file a claim with her own insurance company and you may never hear from her. Hes being very vague about what the injury is. Hes worried sick about it. And he has extensive injuries done to his spine and so on and so on and his life has been altered and now has to see doctors and therapy for the rest of his life. The clerk at the small claims court may be able to get you started. Why didnt he call me himself when he went on duty instead of sending someone to my work? I explain to him searval times that he cut thought the parking lot, i also told him i have 3 witnesses that was there at the sense and witnesses everything including my brother that was in the car with me. And the driver in front of me hit his breaks I hit mines and my vehicle sled and hit the back of his car there was no damage done to my vehicle nor his and now hes trying to sue saying I damage his dashboard because he spilled tea on it. Our article on what to do following a car accident will give you some additional information: The other car had the passenger side damaged. Thanks for your help! Interested in our exclusive Partner program to grow your law firm? My car was legally parked and hit by another car. I blew the horn to have the driver pull over and he never acknowledged me, before or after the incident. Or that he even has insurance or if he even got a quote.. And Im afraid if my bro pays him; the other guy will still try to get money from the insurance company as well. I didnt believe I was injured at the time but over the next couple of days my back and neck were so tough and painful i couldnt turn or twist. We are stuck because there is no way to prove that he was not directly behind my son, he had time to stop and go around as other drivers did. Hello this is Amber, I wonder why police stopped my house give me a ticket! I was in a fender bender outside a bait and tackle shops parking lot in Florida. It was a fender bender. I would like the insurance company to take care of the damage to my car. You can still sue the woman for negligence (even though you were given a DUI). A lot of the aspects to this accident should have a paper trail that could either support or disprove whats written in the police report. Also, depending on where you live, that might be past the statute of limitations (deadline) for how long they have to pursue a claim. In 2019, which is the latest year for data, there were 6.7 million car accidents that were reported to the police, according to NHTSA data. My questions are , how did I put him in a pickle?, and I am willing to go the distance with this, but what are my odds? While i was getting ready to call the police she started saying no please dont call talk to my boyfriend hes on a reality show. My suggestion is that you find a lawyer who is able to review the documents. I decided to make a police report but Im not to sure whats next. Even if there were no other witnesses, a lawsuit can be filed and recovery obtained in certain accident cases. However, a court might find that due to your alleged intoxication, you were at least partially at fault. Should I reach out to the driver and offer to pay the deductible? Chances are that witnesses to the accident arent personal friends. It sounds like the woman was speeding and hit you from behind, but you dont say whether there was an actual collision. But what makes someone credible (or not credible)? Writing down names and contact information for these witnesses may make the difference between winning and losing he said, she said car accident litigation. If youre in a fault state, its possible the other driver will attempt to get your insurance company to pay for her damages. Police I spoke with told me that as I called them about this, it would not be hit and run. My friend then panics and leaves the scene because he had no car insurance. he had to walk all the way home, which is about 3miles from hospital. Now this passenger that is not even in the police report, got his attorney to file a claim to my car insurance. I have not contacted my insurance. The other driver hit my car from behind and took off. Is it possible that perhaps it was a different agency than the one youre contacting? This report will likely include the officer's opinion as to the cause of . Theyll be able to tell you about your rights and defend a false claim. I was in a minor fender bender, their fault, but she sued my insurance for $10,000 because she claimed she had been hurt after she sat there the entire time claiming that she wasnt hurt! And I had just gotten my license a few days before. My husband, 2 granddaughters, and I was in the yard when a man and his young son came riding by on motorcycles. We did and when I got out of my vehicle, my car auto locked leaving me without my license or phone. According to the NYPD, drivers no longer need to call 911 to report car accidents that result in property damage only. His insurance company called me and ask me if i would accept 1000 for pain and suffering i denied it, he then called my brother with the same offer which he denied also. Message. I would recommend scheduling an initial appointment with an attorney in your area. There was a tractor trailer parked on the side of the road unloading sometime at the bike shop. you can certainly offer to pay out-of-pocket and that will likely resolve the matter. However, a police report isnt necessary for a lawsuit. Find the best ones near you. You can call the local station in which the accident occurred and file a report over the phone as well. I was recently in a minor fender bender accident in Texas. I cant believe Im in this position because someone is lying. Im not entirely clear on what happened, here. This article provides additional guidance: It definitely seems like you should contact a lawyer, though. Once I got home the police pulled up right behind me. We wish you the best! By nothing happened to my car other then the license plate was knocked up. You dont mention in your comment whether you were able to get identifying information for the truck and driver that caused the accident. Does that help my side? We contact and let our insurance know about the minor fender bender and we think okay they will give the man money to fix his bumper properly. If you are being blamed for a car accident, your lawyer can inform you of your rights and legal options. . This morning my car scraped another vehicle. Prior case results do not guarantee a similar outcome. I had explained she needed to go to a shop and get a receipt so I can pay for the costs. The next step is to get a medical examination as soon as possible. He didnt mention having seen a doctor at this point, said he was ok, said paint is expensive for the car and I thanked him for his kindness. Neutral witnesses (sometimes called "third-party witnesses") have no personal interest in the outcome of the case, which is why they can be the most important witnesses at trial. Youll need to have a process server serve her with the complaint. He spun me sideways on the highway and I was able to safely get to the side of the road. Its hard to offer specific suggestions without knowing all of the facts or the laws of your state. I immediately call the officer and immediately debunk the hit and run theory. Over 2 years ago, my husband was in a minor accident (i.e. You can still file a claim to get compensation. If youre talking to the police, its important to only give them the facts. It sounds as though the best way for you to recover damages for this accident is by consulting a lawyer. He got out of the car we exchanged info and,shake hands. While there are situations where its clear that you need to call 911, accidents where everyone seems fine may be a bit more confusing. You dont want to fall prey to any sort of scam. He said hes fine, hed already gotten an estimate and the damages to fix the vehicle were 2-300.00 and that hed let me know by the end of the following day what the cost would be to settle! Usually, this is because the property damage is minor, and the client did not feel injured at the time of the wreck. I am being charged with a DUI. 2. Im at a loss on how to resolve this . Also, its possible that his injuries are unrelated to his carrying boxes (a head or neck injury, for instance). Busy highway and everyone was coming to a stop well the man in front of my husband decided to slam on the breaks way earlier than needed and my husband slammed on the breaks and to avoid hitting him ran the left side of his bumper into the concreat median and the right side hit the cars bumper. I told the cops what happen and the didnt treat the way the should have, I scared as heck, it was cold outside so I went to seek medical attention at a hospital near me. A whopping 4.8 million of these accidents, or about 72% of them, were categorized as property damage, meaning there were no injuries or fatalities. The police was called at the time of the accident and both my daughter and the plaintiffs filled out a report which the officer kept in his possession. Also, I would think that if the police were there, a police report should have been filed. Along those same lines, your insurance company can request medical records from the provider who treated the other driver for his injuries. Because we wasnt sure about the nature of our medical expenses at that time. Police told the family of Ronald Greene that the 49-year-old Black man died after his car crashed into a tree during a police pursuit in May 2019, and in the two years that followed refused to . There are no scratches to my sons car roof or any cracked windshield that I would expect from a flying hood. He was cursing and all I stayed calmed there were not scratch or damaged I didnt even felt I hit him until I look at the front . The police were not called, but information was taken by a campus security officer. However, the officer is pretty much insistent that since I am at fault, I need to pay out of pocket because my insurance will go up. I did the right thing and I asked the man if he would like my phone number and insurance Information and he said no he didnt want it. Now no damage was really done to his vehicle just a small indenture since he was driving an old Chevy Tahoe with a heavy duty steel bumper. She went and filed a police report, so it was documented since she wasnt parked close enough to the cameras, the cops said its going to be tough since its a hospital parking lot and so many people arent even from around here that come and go so the chances of finding the person that hit her is pretty much slim to none. In any type of personal injury case, the jury is likely to think that the person suing (the "plaintiff") and the person getting sued (the "defendant") are biased because they have a stake in how the case is decided. But the other party may also say that you were partially responsible for the crash even if you werent. I got in an car accident. I was in a car accident in a mall parking lot. Though a police report is often helpful, you dont need a police report to sue someone. What can I expect? Im sorry youre in this situation. Mind you, our accident was at 2:45pm and we were speaking at 7pm, our initial conversation following the accident at 6pm! He really didnt seem to care. Below is some helpful information on what to do after a he said, she said car accident. He called back 5 days later and said Theyre not accepting liability because he had the right of way, and due to me pulling out in front of him i was at fault. Been two months, havent heard from him. There are several steps you should take immediately following a car accident: Call an ambulance if anyone is injured. My brother didnt have insurance. Please consider using the free Enjuris Personal Injury Law Firm Directory to find an attorney in your area. Our family policy doesnt cover me as a driver. We are also in florida. This family member refused to make a claim through insurance or have the damage appraised, and insisted that my boyfriend pay cash to settle it independently (with no set amount stated) even when he offered to take it in for repair and pay through the auto body shop. And just because a police officer didnt come to the scene doesnt mean that the plaintiff didnt file her own incident report after the fact. Her vehicle was uninsured at the time. If he is totally at fault, then that is why we purchase insurance. Her car has major damage as she hit his tow hitch. The cop didnt even have me do a sobriety test, didnt read me my rights and showed no concern for my well being. Youll want to find out if your daughter suffered any injuries so you can decide whether you need to file an insurance claim against the at-fault driver. In this case, it would be important for him to get a proper car accident lawsuit representation not only to get him his claims, but also to get his insurance to cover his full medical bills. First, the fact that your daughter didnt have insurance at the time of the accident wont factor into the decision of (a) whether she caused the accident, or (2) how much damage the other party sustained. I was in a accident in 2016 myself i was at a red light and i was hit from behind i was startled ,Scared ,Nervous i never been hit from behind before we pulled over and we exchanged information the guy was going at least 15 miles an hour enough to rock the whole car, my neck,and just my whole body.We pulled over to a gas station and exchanged information the cops werent called because my aunt told me not to call since it was her van and it was a lot of damage.Well the next day i was stiff as a board and my lower back was in so much pain.Its been 2 years i have so much pain i tried everything .My concern is since i didnt call the cops will my case not be As much as it would of been if i did.I will have this pain for the rest of my life said my Doctora and pain management, I let someone use my car and she claims someone hit her and she called the police. In response to todays message which contained threats of being sued because they have received no money for the minor damage, he told them to make a claim to insurance or proceed with making a small claim in court if they wanted to be reimbursed for damages, because he would not be giving them cash without any proper documentation- is this a smart way to proceed with this issue? Along those same lines, your lawyer can inform you of your state you in this case you! Anyone is injured steps you should take immediately following a car accident: call an ambulance anyone! The driver to come out, i am required to pay $ 2600 for the supermarket, or sue woman... It could be tricky indeed the ticket will give you some additional information: https:.! Even in the yard when a man and he said she said car accident no police report young son came riding by on motorcycles of! The local dance studio it is meant for you to contact a lawyer, though a lawsuit only them... 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