It will cut your fuel costs in half, if not more. You can try a 0-10% refractometer you can find these for 20-30 bucks on Amazon! 6. Mount the RO membrane housing horizontally to the Unistrut channels about 3 inches above the motor using the Unistrut pipe clamps.There are two I only tapped today, dont expect a run until later in the week if the temps raise. Sorry if that is confusing. I want to be able measure the sugar content in my sap before and after the RO. Never ever occurred to me that an RO system could be used in this manner. I started with propane to boil, but it was too expensive and have now found an old US wood stove to boil on. All said and done, I ended up with about 2 gallons of syrup, using 2.5 tanks of propane and finishing in the kitchen. Great questions. At the end of the system, there are two lines that the liquid exits (shown clamped to the upper wooden RO membrane support). The plywood base is roughly 3 foot by 3 foot. I get this a lot and just realized I need to update the above post to explain this to folks! When its time to start up the RO again the next year, all we do is take the filters out of the fridge and use them. Then checked the permeate and it was 0.3%. This video shows you our DIY reverse osmosis (RO) filter, which cuts our family's costs in LESS THAN HALF when we make maple syrup. Hi Michelle. Our experience was that after 10% you could begin to see a slight difference in taste, and by 12% to 14% it was no longer a product that we wanted to sell, so youre right that 1 or 2 passes with this RO will not vary in taste. WebConsisting of one sediment filter and two reverse osmosis filters, the Sugar Cube RO Replacement Filter Kit contains everything you need for the annual maintenance of your prototype Sugar Cube RO. Yes. Ray says, For anyone who is thinking about building one of these, I say do it! How often do filters/membranes need to be cleaned? I unhooked most of it many times until I sorted it out. Follow up questions re: cleaning. Hi Michael, No need to apologize I could never build one of these myself. Great for serving cheese & charcuterie as well as many other small bites. Im in the same group as you I could no sooner build this system than I could fly to the moon. I would boil this down in less than 3 hours in my 24 pan. While researching, Ive read about some RO systems running at 100 110 PSI, however this system runs around 60. Sap can be put through the system repeatedly and becomes more concentrated with each pass through the RO membrane. Do not see it in the drawing. I am going to give it a go. and3.5-4 after I ran mine thru the RO system. Your email address will not be published. <3. Based on 403 gm / liter of sucrose at 35 Brix, that comes out 250 grams or only 2/3 of available sugar at start. Youll find the latest designs right here (like the one Im wearing here) . Your email address will not be published. We visited a nearby maple sugar farm last year, where they collect sap and make syrup and other things in-house. You could also reach in and remove large pieces of debris with a slotted spoon. I break that down in this post: I MAY be able to talk hubby into it though He was wondering if there is upkeep/maintenence needed on the needle valve? Boiling has been my limitation in the whole process for both time and fuel reasons. Im going to try the parallel setup first, recycling it thru several passes faster. We only tap 50 trees and burn with wood, but anything that saves time is going to be very much appreciated. Thats just the one Bill chose. . Give a couple of wraps of teflon tape and seal. The actual red colored tubing on our RO system (see photo above) is NOT colored red on Bills drawing. Thats why we own this one: Both are fine choices, depending on what you want. The second time through runs at about 4-5 min/gal and yields an additional 20-25% permeate. By morning I would have 30 40 gallons of sap to boil down. I have tried using only one membrane filter, hooking up each of the 4 membranes solo still, it wont pump through. I love homesteading and cant wait to get back to it soon, although we wont be making maple syrup since we live in the Pacific Northwest. For instance, if I planted a maple, how long before I could tap it? Look up a group called the Vancouver Island Sapsuckers. It was amazing!, Check out my book, Sweet Maple, with 5-star reviews, touted as the book of wisdom on all things maple, Professional Sugarmakers Tips on How to Make Maple Syrup, How to use pumps to make your sap collection so much easier, My detailed list of all the best tools for a backyard sugarmaker. and it is exactly like your Hubbys setup. Because here our family has started living a more sustainable life, focused on simple joys. Its being hailed at the Book of Knowledge of all Things Maple., But maybe you stumbled here wondering what an ro system is, Ill explain, An RO system is exactly like a water filtering system. We are a very small family operation and your RO works really well. Otherwise the sugar concentration will lead to bacteria-filled sap in no time. This is handy benefit for hobby maple syrup makers who only boil on the weekend. could you explain how you first startup the system and shut it down for storage at the end of the maple season. Believe it or now we had a early run of sap in SW Michigan 2 weeks ago and I did collect 60 gallons of sap before it stopped. If youre a backyard sugarmaker looking to save money, this right here will make your day. Yes, Laurent is right, if you JUST want to measure the sugar content of your SAP, you can save money by getting a refractometer that only measures on the lower end of the scale like this one: BUT I personally want one refractometer that can measure everything I need to know sugar content in sap as well as syrup. Okay, the 90% is for the big-wigs, using the really fancy, high-end ROs, but this sweet little DIY RO saves us at least 50% of our costs here on our little sugarbush every year, so man-oh-man is it worth it! I also list, below, every single item Bill bought to build our system. Thanks again for the help. Ive been a hobby sugar maker for somewhere around 20 years. Whats the measurements on plywood board. An RO concentrates the sugar, removing the permeate, or pure water from the sap. Is the line with the needle valve the line with the sap to be boiled and the other line the waste water line? Heather Gilson, whose family has about 50 taps in their backyard on any given year, explains, My husband built one last year and man was it a time saver for us!! Had readings starting out with 5 gallons of right at 2% which should be about 380 grams total sugar. Yes, Christine, the permeate tube is the water that is left after the sugar water has been filtered out. WebTotal 9584 products from sugar free substitute for maple syrup Manufactures & Suppliers Thanks for that suggestion. Ive enjoyed your posts about it immensely and Im amazed at how much fuel it takes to make just one pint, so this little gadget that Bill put together must be a wonderful time- and fuel-saver. Heres our Reverse Osmosis set up. This way I dont have to add another tank. Syrup is made by removing water from the sap, so that only the sugar remains. As an Amazon Affiliate, we earn commission on qualified purchases. I am hoping to make one before this years season! Can you give more details about the thorough cleaning at the end of the season? After a few runs this season I find that the water removal becomes minimal. Hi Bob, I just asked Bill. }); Im interested in making an RO machine from the plans you show here. I can see a little of it in the background in you video. I think Im removing maybe 10% of the water and am running at 70psi. (Easier to tell if one of the membranes is plugged as each has a separate discharge line that you can monitor). Great question. Im in Wisconsin, and I have a brother who also makes syrup in Vermont. And check for a leak on your vacuum side (the unfiltered sap side). We live in Northern New York, think near the Canadian border north. The stuff I order is the same as your part spec. Also, instead of snow, mostly we get freezing rain, which can be hard on limbs. I noticed in your post on 2/15/19 to Christine, that you ID the red line as the sap line, when I think that it is the waste water from what I can tell by both your diagram and the actual photo of your set up. Or if I just used two but passed everything through twice? If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Im sure youll notice lots of time savings this year! February 23, 2023. Tony Hansen How to Turn Maple Sap into Maple-Syrup. My goal for this was to have it run when Im not actively monitoring it and want to save the pump. My boiling time is cut by greater than 50% and I seem to have gotten higher syrup yield, which I suspect comes from not as much sugar going up in steam. The mix ratio is 1.1 ounces to 1 gallon of permeate. She is a Founder and Editor of Homestead How-To and also blogs about her family's homestead life at The Happy Hive. This is the 3rd year of tapping. I hope that you find what you are looking for on Homestead How-To. Yes, the needle valve is for adjusting the pressure. Thank you Michelle for posting this small scale RO system on-line and thanks to Bill for spending the time to create the system. Are you building your own RO for this year? At 70 psi I am getting 3 gals of sugar water every 10 minutes with 20 to 25% water coming off the sap. Haha. Whether you are aspiring or experienced, or somewhere in between, we want to learn with you. 1654 Queen St, New Dundee. True story. If you only plan to boil once or twice, you may not feel that an RO system is worth it, and that makes sense. Thank you so much for sharing. Yes, you are restricted by your filter capabilities. Do you clean the system during the season and if so what do you use? I saved a incredible amount of time and firewood.. I am intrigued by this system and would like to attempt to build one however I have a few questions as I have no experience with ROs. Maple syrup is made by boiling maple sap to evaporate most of the water until we are left with 66% sugar. Free samples of maple products and maple baked I will try to update the information in the article so no one else stumbles across these inconsistencies. Build a fire to boil the sap. We live in nowhere-ville, so traveling to Lowes is quite a trek. Look into a refractometer. Thanks for doing the legwork to find the correct tubing. Taste and see that theLordis good. Hi Michele, Just wanted to add after you told me about getting a refractometer. I only have 40 taps, but if this works I will tap more. Making maple syrup is a labor of love, especially for a hobby sugaring operation with small equipment. I asked Bill but sadly he said no, he hasnt tried that. That would still account for only 60 of the missing 130 grams. If you mean needle valve, its on the permeate side. Question: Why the Aquatic CDP 8800 water booster pump that requires a transformer? We never need to clean them during the season, but every time we use it we run some permeate through the system before shutting it off for the night. After 3 disconnections, the tubing may be scarred and leak. It cost me about $350 and was well worth it. After filtering when do I need to process. Read through all comments looking for what the permeate sugar content was. Hope that helps. I realized I had things set up all wrong. Im weighing up the cost of building a larger unit like the smallest commercial unit which sells for around $1450. Cost then was quite high to buy. If I use a cheaper RV pump that can get up to 60 PSI would I run into trouble? Sounds crazy, but Ive talked to too many folks who do this to not believe em. Given that i have the same equipment, I am surprised to report that my yield is far below the 5 gallons in 45 minutes you declare ( more like one), I wonder if you might speculate where Im going wrong? The 1/4 inch tubing works fine into the pump, no need to convert. Separation by reverse osmosis Up to two-thirds of the water in maple sap can be separated by using reverse osmosis before the boiling process, which will 10. We run it at 60/70. So weve actually never tried to run it in an unheated area. And finally, whats the function of the clear line filter? When doing a final flush and clean, do you use any Citric acid, membrane soap or neutralizing agent? Is this not correct? I have most of the parts, but have a few questions on how to run the final system. Plan on doing this well ahead of time. Wow, 3 days of banging my head against a wall trying to get it working and it came down to the one-way valve and having the needle valve hooked up to the wrong outlet of the 4th membrane. (Read about Ray Inghams ro experiences below.). How do you clean the membranes for storage off season? What a huge time saver. This article goes over how to use reverse osmosis in a sugaring operation using a few different methods. Wanna save hundreds of dollars a year on fuel by adding a homemade RO system to your backyard sugaring operation? Its just reversed. Or does it not matter? This post contains affiliate links & I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. What I see of it looks like an improvement over mine. Large maple producers pay thousands of dollars for high-quality reverse osmosis set-ups which work well for their size and scale. Hi Mike, I built mine last year(2021) and ran into the same issue. You need to check out this article where I describe Bills system in detail: Hope that helps! I started producing maple syrup as a hobby over 20 years ago. Ill use a 5 gal bucket for permeate (for cleaning system) and waste the rest on the ground. At the end of every season, we run 5-10 gallons of permeate through the system, then we remove the filters from their casings and mark where each filter was in the system (so we can change their position each year, to hopefully give them a longer life) Then we put them in a ziplock bag and store them in the refrigerator until the next sugar season. Thanks again for sharing all this info.. Great to hear from you Gordie! Thank you so much for sharing this DIY RO set-up. Thanks. Thanks for doing this, we will follow up with some of your cookbooks, etc. I think it is 33 by 30 to be exact. I just found your post this a.m. after writing Michelle this weekend with the same issues. The sap will be filtered again later, after it's boiled. By using a reverse osmosis machine, we can eliminate 50% of the water in our sap before boiling, thus greatly reducing the amount of time it takes to go from sap to syrup. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE NEEDLE VALVE ON THE LINE. My regular syrup hydrometer just wont measure the small amounts of sugar If you have any ideas on which one to buy that would help. It seems they both work well, just the way they are plumbed. 3. You will need to attach the high pressure Procon pump to your motor.Before you mount the pump, wire the motor for 220V temporarily so you can te . 5. If you're a minimalist you can forego this step and plug the motors directly into extension cords. But I like the convenience of having an off/o I have been doing a small amount of mapling in PA over the pat few years, slowly adding to my process. Their reverse osmosis system helps to produce high quality maple syrup. The only problem I run into is getting the pump primed and pulling in the sap, but a little elevation does the trick! Any thoughts or comments? Another unique benefit of the Sugar Cube is that it adds an Ultraviolet (UV) filter to the system as well. Im about to build my unit thanks to your posting! Hi Michelle, Hi Michelle Keep them standing upright and give them a little shake to make sure all the air bubbles are out. [68] In 2019 it led with over 7.8million litres (2.07million US gallons), followed by New York with 3.1millionL (820,000USgal) and Maine with 2.2millionL (580,000USgal). . Funding for this project was made possible by the U.S. Department of Agricultures (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant AM170100XXXXG167, Or if youd like to read through the process we go through to actually bottle our maple syrup,go here. Kudos to your husband for that ingenuity, and to you for sharing the how-to instructions so clearly!! I use a 4 foot evaporating pan heated with wood, hoping to use a lot less wood and time! This year the public can tour the farm on March 18 from 10am-4pm and March 19 from 12pm-4pm. Bill confuses me sometimes too. Also, I am getting conflicting messages regarding freeze your RO filters, correct? No, we never wash our unit. How do you clean this system? But first, let me applaud you. Ill try to remember to get back to you! This filter eliminates bacteria and yeast in your sap, leaving you with sap concentrate that stores longer. We think a reverse osmosis system is a great investment for hobby syrup makers IF you are serious about making syrup more than once or twice a year. The amazing beauty of this the gauge reads 120 psi and the needle valve doesnt adjust the pressure at all. . 1/4 T (youll need 4 of them) Sharkbite item # 835039, model #25427Z, 1/4 male x 1/4 quick connect 90 (youll need 5 of them) Sharkbite item #83500, model #25433, 1/4 male x 1/4quick connect straight (youll need 8 of these) Sharkbite item #835025, model #25413Z, 3/8 x 1/4 male quick connect (just 1) Sharkbite item #835028, model #25416Z, 3/8polyethylene tubing (25 of it) item #879277, model #98634, 1/4polyethylene tubing (25 of it) item #814305, model #98584, 3/8 quick connect ball valve (just 1) Sharkbite item #835049, model #25438Z, ridgid 3/8 x 30 pex tube (30 faucet) item #751655, model #7227-30-38-2, *NOTE: the red lines in Bills drawing represent clear tubing connecting the filters in sequence above. And a pleasant way to describe your knowledge. For the sake of others who may read your comment, Ill link here to where I describe the refractometer: Id like to try building a RO system for my 70 tap operation and Im wondering what the difference is between the one your husband built and a RO system for under your sink for tap water? I am using 150 gpd filters. You could run it through even more times, with 2 membranes, but of course youd be quadrupling your work time. Thank you very much for this system. (We use the 150 gpd filters. Free samples of maple products and maple baked goods will be available. We heat our 200-year-old farmhouse (aka very drafty farmhouse) with a wood stove. Oh, boy, any technical questions I have to run by Bill. But Im sure some folks in the Maple Syrup Making fb group could give you suggestions. I think I figured it out I think actually one of the part numbers you listed isnt correct the 3/8 polyethylene tubing (25 of it) item #879277, model #98634 is too large for that pump. Dont use rusty or corroded spouts, buckets, or other maple utensils. Me? Volunteers boil it down and the park sells it. WebMaple Syrup - Reverse Osmosis (RO) Preservative Flush Roseum Maple Syrup 458 subscribers Subscribe 5.9K views 3 years ago ROSEUM MAPLE SYRUP This video Also describe it in case I want to purchase one. So we persoanlly choose to boil our sap with propane. WHAT PRESSURE SHOULD I HAVE? Hope you have a fantastic sugar season! lol. Then keep scrolling for a totally unprofessional, hope-you-understand-what-hes-talking-about drawing of Bills design. I am sure that this will only be first of many questions. About - Build Your Own Reverse Osmosis System For Maple Syrup Heat olive oil and butter in large frying pan over high heat. I just ordered for myself and cant wait to try RO. I think your pricing is not correct. 2. This means less time monitoring the evaporator and, importantly, less wood needed to boil and make our syrup. Iam going to build one as per your drawings. Im up to $541 ordering the recommended parts on Amazon and am attempting to reduce the cost. I meant to ask, Wouldnt the less expensive 115V direct plug booster pump (i.e., not needing a transformer) be a simpler and effective option? Great question, Jerry. Just follow their directions and it will work for you.. formId: '608a538fe8b3a8e1e4d62a1d', So glad youre finding it helpful. The amount of wood we were using was starting to feel counter-productive. I have to run the sap through twice in order to get a good reduction. Thanks and happy sugaring!! Am I correct? The floorboards creak, the barn roof sags, and the rocky land seems unforgiving. I will say the last one I built was for an Omish guy and he used a car battery with a 12 volt pump. It fills up, then doesnt refill until it appears to be a little less than half empty. Honestly, getting all the pieces is the largest drain on your time. Fascinating! Do I need to replace the filters ya think? I always collect in late afternoonand averaged about 120 gallons of sap a day. Hi Jason, Do I need to find couplers to change to 3/8 or can I just use 1/4 for that part. Im building one but now I see the challenge with the first filter change. I was able to run 30 gallons of sap through my RO it and it was really cool how it worked. For us, some of the parts from Lowes were not needed b/c the parts were included with the Amazon pieces. How do you find the pump? Itll impress your friends to be able to sit there and watch the syrup come to fruition before their eyes. Michelle. We have 110 taps and process roughly 5 gallons of sap through the RO every 45 minutes.). Our family lives on 14 wooded acres, and we cut and store a lot of wood. Hi Lucas, glad you solved your problem before I even saw your comment. And were left with pure, cool permeate but well talk more about the permeate and how we like to use it in another post, later this season. then go bake some maple cookies while they do the hard work. You really only need one to measure the low numbers up to 15 % sugar, I purchased one yesterday and it is to arrive today. And I have huge respect for Bill and for YOU, since youre here. Hi Michelle, I did a comparison run yesterday and would somebody please check my unbelievable calculations: Cant wait to try it out. Build Your Own Maple Syrup Reverse Osmosis Rig GardenFork 196K subscribers 652 45K views 2 years ago How to make a DIY reverse osmosis system for We run it at 60-70 psi, which we regulate with the needle valve. Thanks for all the hard work you do to spread the sweetness! I need to get me some Sweet Maple! Also, is there something magic about that particular pump? Thanks for any suggestions. The colored line is water in the picture but continues processing in the drawing. If youre like me. Alan. Thank you, Gordie, for letting me know all of this!! IS THAT MY PROBLEM? I hooked it up with the three I have and was getting 1% sugar in my permeate. Mark & Colleen Falardeau, backyard sugarmakers who built this RO system, explain, It cost us roughly $300 to make our RO and it takes sap from 2-3% sugar content to 7-8% in one pass! Web2K subscribers. My primary limitation is sap storage. We saved so much time in not splitting a bunch of extra wood, not having to boil for extended periods of time. Every Remember maple sap is almost pure table sugar / sucrose. Thanks in advance. Also we were told by our distributer that tap water has many different things in that is removed by the RO which is a good thing for concentrating raw sap, but they recommended not drinking it as it probably could cause diareha, consequently I never tried drinking it. If we can order it on Amazon and have it on our front porch in two days, with zero shipping costs, well its almost as fast as driving to Lowes. Good Luckthis a great little unit and has saved me so many hours of boiling. At the end of the season, after flushing them well, we then place the filters in a large ziploc bag in the freezer until the following season. We were only tapping 12 trees the year Bill built this and it paid for itself by the second year. So, the last year of making maple syrup at home, we tried a 4 by 40 with the 330 gallons per hour pump and it performed very well, delivering 80 to 100 gallons per Works great. Do the limbs of the trees hold up well? Do you run the permeant through in reverse to flush? It wouldnt much less expensive 115V direct plug (i.e., not needing a transformer) be a simpler and effective option? so am excited to get this up and running. But seriously, you cantry out Prime for totally freefor 30 days. Psalm 34:8. tanks of propane. Required fields are marked *. Hi Jim, I have never have run my sap through more than once, but I know people who do. The filters in the RO serve the same purpose as they would if you were using them in a water purifying system they take out the impurities in the sap, leaving only water (permeate) except in this case the impurities are the sugars, which of course is exactly what we want to keep. A friend is using this system and says it works great. Once you have all the parts in front of you, itll take you a few hours, tops. I currently only have 1 tree that gave me 60 gallons this season. First at the lowest pressure and then, the second time, at the highest pressure. 3. How long does it take to put it all together? Post author: Post published: February 27, 2023 Post category: simon the zealot symbol Post comments: 21 signs you've met someone from a past life 21 signs you've met someone from a past life Describe the refractometer: https: // own reverse osmosis set-ups which work well for their size and scale PSI... Red colored tubing on our RO system wood, but it was too expensive and have now found old! I describe Bills system in detail: https: // hope that helps commission qualified... Both time and fuel reasons the moon will tap more valve on the and... Is made by boiling maple sap into Maple-Syrup the maple season half empty a separate discharge that... A good reduction 18 from 10am-4pm and March 19 from 12pm-4pm maple sugar farm last year where. Both are fine choices, depending on what you are restricted by your filter capabilities do to spread sweetness. It 's boiled ( read about some RO systems running at 70psi you your. 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