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43 Robson Manyika, Harare, Zimbabwe
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What is a Chatlearn WhatsApp Chatbot? A chatbot is a bot that automatically answers the questions of your customers and prospects, so you can sell, support customers, and send advertisements to prospects in an automated way, saving you both time and money when you increase your sales, due to that the bot works at all times, it can handle decades of conversations at the same time, and is cheaper than having a person answering and sending messages constantly. The chatbot is able to: - Answer messages automatically - Send images of your company. - Send marketing campaigns to a list of numbers - Perform automated sales We are working to improve the functionality of the bot constantly, and it is possible to connect it to external systems, which means that it does not have technical limits that can be done with the bot, however, it could have an extra cost depending on the complexity of it. How would the bot help my business? It will allow you to make marketing via WhatsApp to your customers, as well as customer support and automated sales. As an organization you will have your phone and the bot will work on your number that you have always been using and you can also respond to people in person through the same number. PACKAGES: 1. Bronze Package: -$200 for development. -$100 per month. -Unlimited messages -Limit of 20 auto-responses -Auto Reply -Send images of your products -Ready in a week or less -Platform to update responses 2. Gold Package: -$300 for development. -$150 per month.- -Unlimited messages -Limit of 40 auto-replies -Auto Reply -Send images of your company -Ready in a week or less -Platform to update responses 3. Diamond Package: -$400 development. -$200 per month. -Custom functions -Unlimited messages -Limit of 60 self-answers -Answering automatically -Sending marketing campaigns to list -Sending images of your company -Ready in a week or less -Platform to update responses NB: All payments can either be a transfer, Ecocash, one money, bonds, rands or USD.
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